Photo by Ashley Byrd on Unsplash




I think people who cheat

Are those who get to eat,

But are they enjoying the food

Or greedily gobbling away life

Like some tasteless fool?

What use is giving knowledge

To an unappreciative tool?

What use is beauty,

And sweet poetry

And even masterpiece artistry,

To those unfeeling;

That look on with wool over their eyes?

Though in doubt I hold

That like water may break open a solid rock ,

Beauty may seep into the hardened thick skin,

But what luck would we have

if they think they are gems,

At worst a diamond rough as it might,

Maybe the best hope is

they learn from another hard shell

But though history has been written,

Those who think they are diamonds

Don’t think they need to change,

And take glee that they break everything

But never themselves.

©️ Jana Pelzom 2023

